Raid on Port Royal (K) – Historic Naval Fiction

Perry Comer recently released the next installment of the Donland series, Raid on Port Royal: Donland and The Hornet. It is available worldwide for Kindle download.

Three sloops does not a squadron make nor a commodore. Sailing from English Harbor, Donland is in command of the sloops Hornet, Stinger and Jacket. His destination is Fort Royal in Carolina to deliver munitions and soldiers. Sumerford has his secrets, Major Ellington of the army has his bluster and Donland has a captain afraid of his first lieutenant. The mix is explosive and Donland is challenged to stay in command.

In freezing weather the munitions and soldiers are landed. A fort has to be subdued and Major Ellington is determined to have his glorious battle. The stage is set for one of the strangest battles of the Revolution. History records the Colonials as the victors but Donland would argue the point.

via Raid on Port Royal (K) – Historic Naval Fiction.

The Scent of Corruption (K) – Historic Naval Fiction

For his latest book Alaric Bond has returned to his popular Fighting Sail series. The Scent of Corruption is now available in ebook formats and will be released in paperback shortly.

Summer 1803: The uneasy peace with France is over, and Britain has once more been plunged into the turmoil of war. After a spell on the beach, Sir Richard Banks is appointed to HMS Prometheus, a seventy-four gun line-of-battleship which an eager Admiralty looses no time in ordering to sea. The ship is fresh from a major re-fit, but Banks has spent the last year with his wife and young family: will he prove himself worthy of such a powerful vessel, and can he rely on his officers to support him?

With action both aboard ship and ashore, sea battles, a daring rescue and intense personal intrigue, The Scent of Corruption is a non-stop nautical thriller in the best traditions of the genre.

via The Scent of Corruption (K) – Historic Naval Fiction.